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VGCC welcomes new class of Granville Early College students

New students of Granville Early College High School got their first introduction to college on July 29 when they attended orientation at Vance-Granville Community College’s South Campus , located between Butner and Creedmoor. The freshmen are arriving as the school starts its third year of operation, and its first at the new permanent GECHS facility, located across the street from South Campus. Previously, the high school was temporarily housed at South Granville High School.


At all four of the early college high schools, which VGCC operates in partnership with local school systems, students simultaneously complete both a high school diploma and a two-year college degree (or up to two years of college-transferable credit) over a five-year period.


Dr. Randy Parker, the president of VGCC, welcomed students and their parents to the college. The president noted that the students are making quite a transition — “from middle school one year to college the next!” Parker emphasized that all early college high school students are treated like all other college students when they take college classes, and VGCC sets high expectations for students. “This is a wonderful opportunity to get your high school and your college education at the same time,” Parker said. “Our goal is for each of you to be successful.” Parker said that VGCC is proud of its early college partnerships with Granville County Schools and the other school systems, which will enroll approximately 600 students during the 2011-2012 year. When fully enrolled several years from now, the four high schools will serve between 800 and 1,000 students.


Tracy Wallace, head of the Human Services Technology program, which is based at South Campus, discussed the expectations that college instructors have of their students.


Reba Bullock, VGCC’s College Liaison for GECHS, facilitated the orientation. The principal of GECHS, Chris Ham, the school’s counselor, Olivia Banks, current GECHS students, and VGCC counselors and administrators were also on hand.


Above: VGCC President Randy Parker talks with incoming Granville Early College High School students and their parents at the college’s South Campus during the students’ July 29 orientation. (VGCC photo)