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VGCC Trustees Add Supply Chain Management to Programs

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees recently approved the addition of a new curriculum program, Supply Chain Management, to replace Global Logistics & Distribution Management Technology. The action came at the Trustees’ bimonthly meeting on the college’s Main Campus on Monday, May 15.

The Supply Chain Management curriculum prepares students for a variety of careers in distribution, transportation, warehousing, trucking operations, supply chain and manufacturing organizations. Graduates will earn an Associate in Applied Science degree.

Trustees approved adding tracks in Global Logistics Technology and Trucking Operations Management, starting with Fall Semester, which begins Aug. 14. The changes will not affect students who are currently enrolled in the Global Logistics curriculum at VGCC, said Dr. Angela Ballentine, vice president of academic affairs. Courses under the existing program will be available through Spring 2018.

Students pursuing the tracks will be able to progress smoothly from the certificates to the related Supply Chain Management degree, Dr. Ballentine said.

Courses will include Transportation Logistics, Import/Export Management, Purchasing Logistics, Introduction to Trucking, and Fleet Maintenance. The Global Logistics & Distribution Management Technology program is being archived, according to Trustee Barbara Cates Harris, chair of the board’s Curriculum Committee.

The board also acted to terminate the Logistics Management and the Secure Logistics certificates, effective this fall.

Capital Projects

A variety of capital projects are on tap for VGCC, according to a Building Committee report given by Donald C. Seifert, Sr., chair.
Bids have been opened for the renovation of a lab for the Histotechnology program on the Main Campus.

The bid for replacement of the roof of Building 6 on the Main Campus has been awarded to Baker Roofing of Raleigh at a cost of $333,180. The project is scheduled to be completed during the summer.

An agreement has been signed to begin assessment of exterior masonry repairs needed on the Main Campus. The college is seeking to restore, structurally repair and waterproof building masonry rooflines, walls and bridges. The assessment is expected to be completed in November.

A preliminary design site visit was done in April by BW Architecture of Greenville as the college seeks to renovate a 3,200-square-foot space in Building 10 for the Law Enforcement Training, Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services programs.

The patching and sealing of the parking lots at South Campus was awarded to Carolina Pavement of Cary at a cost of $14,903, with completion scheduled for July 31.

A design agreement was executed with Stanford White Inc. of Raleigh in early April to renovate the existing Welding lab area at Franklin County Campus to add eight welding booths and a demonstration area. Bids are expected to be advertised in July and opened in August.

Other Action

In other action:
• Colton Hayes, student trustee and president of the Student Government Association, used his last meeting to thank the board for the opportunity to serve as student trustee. The first-ever SGA president from one of the early college high schools, Hayes graduated from VGCC on May 12 and will get his high school diploma from Franklin County Early College High School on May 25.
• Trustee Danny Wright, reporting for Sara Wester, chair of the Personnel Committee, reported on new employees, retirements and resignations.
• The trustees approved student, patron, child care and facility rental fees for the 2017-2018 academic year, recommended by the Budget Committee, chaired by Trustee Abdul Rasheed.
• The Investment Committee, chaired by Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr., reported on growth in the college’s investments.
• In her report on college activities and upcoming events, VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams announced the board will have its annual retreat on Aug. 28.
• Board Chair Danny Wright appointed a nominating committee composed of Frazier, Wester and Harris to prepare a list of nominees for officers for 2017-2018.

Following the regular session, the board entered a Closed Session for the annual evaluation of the president.

The next meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, July 17, at the Main Campus.


Above: VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams, left, and Trustee Board Chair Danny Wright, right, present a plaque to Colton Hayes of Epsom, honoring him for his service as Student Trustee for the Board of Trustees in 2016-2017. Hayes, who is graduating this year, was president of the VGCC Student Government Association. He plans to continue his education at North Carolina State University. (VGCC photo)