Home News Archives General VGCC South Campus offers Language Skills courses

VGCC South Campus offers Language Skills courses

Two Vance-Granville Community College classes scheduled to begin in September at the college’s South Campus, located on N.C. 56 between Creedmoor and Butner, focus on learning languages.

Conversational Spanish” will introduce the Spanish language, and students will learn to speak, listen, read, and write in Spanish. This training is recommended for anyone interested in learning Spanish for various purposes, but particularly for those who interact with the Spanish-speaking population on a regular basis. Pat Neems will teach the course on Thursday nights from 6 until 8:30 p.m., Sept. 4 through Nov. 6. The cost of the course is $60, plus the cost of a textbook.

Another course will provide a basic foundation of knowledge in American Sign Language, on which the student can expand his or her learning. Students who complete the course will have a basic understanding of American Sign Language and should be able to communicate effectively with a deaf person. Donna Snipes will serve as the instructor for this course, which meets on Mondays from 6 until 9 p.m., Sept. 8 through Dec. 1. The cost of the course is $60.

For more information and to register for one or more of these classes, call South Campus Director Jason Snelling at (919) 528-4737.