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VGCC recognizes Leadership Institute graduates

Vance-Granville Community College held a graduation ceremony in May to honor faculty and staff members who completed the inaugural “Vanguard Leadership Institute.”

The graduates included Dr. Kambiz Tahmaseb (Biology Instructor) of Durham; Clint Alston (Distance Education Software Specialist) of Henderson; Cathy Davis (Counselor) of Hillsborough; Elizabeth André (Nursing Instructor) of Virgilina, Va.; Anna Seaman (Nursing Instructor) of Manson; Glynnis Wilson (Financial Aid Assistant) of Norlina; Kyle Burwell (Human Resources Development Coordinator) and Benny Overton (Economics Instructor), both of Oxford; Derrick Cameron (Business Administration Instructor) of Raleigh; and Marque Debnam (Paralegal Technology Instructor) of Youngsville.

The purpose of the program, coordinated by VGCC Director of Leadership & Professional Development Jeffrey Allen, was to empower employees to be innovative leaders in their current positions at the college. Participants completed a months-long leadership development program designed to provide opportunities for professional growth. They also worked together to develop and implement a group project that would benefit the entire college.

At the graduation ceremony, Davis and Debnam explained that the class chose to focus their project on promoting “soft skills” instruction in all VGCC programs. During the spring semester, the Leadership Institute sponsored a seminar on soft skills for students, conducted by Daniel André, IT Operations Manager with Microsoft, and another for faculty and staff, led by Dr. Jena Cantwell from Wayne Community College. The class recommended that VGCC provide more of such learning opportunities for students, employees and the community.

The guest speaker for the ceremony was Dr. Dion Terry Clark, director of NCWorks Career Pathways at the N.C. Department of Commerce. “Leadership is at its best when it is quiet,” Clark said. “Leadership doesn't mean giving grand speeches. Leadership takes time to quietly figure out what is going on.”

She urged the faculty and staff members to “take what you have learned here, and adapt it to your unique style and your situation. You will be tasked to lead in many different environments in your career and your life. You can lead at all levels.” Clark advised graduates that “leadership is not for the faint of heart…You will have to take risks and have courage. Go quietly, but boldly.”

VGCC Vice President of Employee and Public Relations Stacey Carter-Coley presented certificates to each graduate and made brief remarks. Bringing the ceremony to a close, the president of the college, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, echoed Clark’s message, saying, “Leadership is not a position that you hold, it is the work that you do.” Williams congratulated the graduates and thanked them for their service to students and the community.


Above: Seated, from left, are graduates Anna Seaman, Cathy Davis and Kyle Burwell; standing, from left, are guest speaker Dr. Dion Terry Clark, graduates Clint Alston, Kambiz Tahmaseb, Glynnis Wilson, Elizabeth Andre, Benny Overton, Marque Debnam and Derrick Cameron, and Director of Leadership & Professional Development Jeffrey Allen, who coordinated the program. (VGCC photo)