Home News Archives VGCC offers Workshops on Managing Chronic Health Conditions

VGCC offers Workshops on Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Vance-Granville Community College has partnered with the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments to offer a new series of “Living Healthy” workshops this summer. All will be held at the college’s Main Campus in Vance County.

These programs are being offered to individuals who suffer from chronic health problems, such as diabetes and chronic pain, and their caregivers or significant others. Each workshop is designed to enhance regular treatment with self-management tools and techniques, so that each person can better manage his or her condition and live a happier, healthier life.

People experience a variety of issues related to chronic health conditions, such as pain, fatigue, depression and medication complications. Workshop participants will identify these issues, identify the barriers to successfully managing the issues, and develop an action plan that will lead to better health and symptom management.

The first workshop, “Living Healthy with Chronic Disease,” will take place over six Monday sessions, May 18 through June 29 (with no class on Memorial Day), from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. This program is based on the Stanford University School of Medicine’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. It is designed for people with arthritis, heart disease, COPD, fibromyalgia, diabetes or any other chronic disease.

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP) is scheduled to include six Thursday sessions, June 4 through July 9, from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. This program helps individuals who have chronic pain by emphasizing four concepts: that each person with chronic pain is different; that there are a number of things people with chronic pain can do to feel better; that with knowledge and by experimenting, each individual is the best judge of which self-management tools and techniques are best for him or her; and finally that the responsibility for managing chronic pain day-to-day rests with the individual.

Finally, “Living Healthy with Diabetes” will be conducted on six Monday sessions, July 6 through August 10, from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. This program assists people with Type 2 Diabetes to manage their condition successfully. It covers much of the same information as “Living Healthy with Chronic Disease,” but half of the material is tailored specifically to those living with, or caring for someone with, Diabetes.

The cost for each workshop (including all six sessions and materials) is $55.

Kerr-Tar COG Aging Projects Coordinator Sheila Brown oversees the series of workshops. Each workshop is facilitated by two trained lay leaders who follow a detailed manual. 

Registration for these or other Personal Enrichment courses can be completed online at vgcc.springerstudios.net/ped or in person at Main Campus, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information and to register, contact Emily McCormick at (252) 738-3300 or ped@vgcc.edu .