Home News Archives Public & Enviromental Affairs VGCC offers new Sustainability certificates to boost green jobs

VGCC offers new Sustainability certificates to boost green jobs

Vance-Granville Community College will offer new opportunities for area residents to prepare for “green” careers when the fall semester begins on Aug. 16. Four certificates have been added to the college’s curriculum offerings to help develop a workforce for today’s economy, in which environmental sustainability and energy efficiency are increasingly important.


The new Sustainability Technologies certificate program is designed to prepare individuals for employment opportunities in environmental, construction, alternative energy, manufacturing or related industries where key emphasis is placed on energy production and waste reduction along with sustainable technologies. Employment opportunities exist in both the government and private sectors where graduates may function as manufacturing technicians, sustainability consultants, environmental technicians or green building supervisors. The 15-credit-hour certificate consists of five courses: Introduction to Sustainability, Energy Use Analysis, Renewable Energy Technology, Photovoltaic Systems Technology, and Environmental Biology.


In addition, VGCC is now offering certificates that offer specialized training in programs already offered by the college. The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology program will now include a 14-hour “ Sustainable Air Conditioning & Heating” certificate. A 12-hour “Automotive Sustainability” certificate will be offered by the Automotive Systems Technology department. The Electrical/Electronics Technology program will offer a 17-hour certificate focusing on “ Sustainable Electrical Energies.” In each case, credits earned toward a certificate also count toward a diploma in that field, or even a two-year degree in Automotive Systems Technology, if the student chooses to continue studying.


“These certificate programs are not only going to provide students with marketable skills, but they also can be obtained fairly quickly,” said VGCC Dean of Business and Applied Technologies Bobby Van Brunt. “In just one or two semesters, a student can complete a certificate that communicates to a potential employer that he or she is on top of the latest techniques that conserve our natural resources and save money by using energy wisely. Students should get these skills now, because we expect businesses and communities to continue to innovate through green technology in the years to come.”


For more information, call Bobby Van Brunt at (252) 738-3412.