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VGCC offers course on Editing audio, video, pictures

Vance-Granville Community College is currently registering students for a new course that introduces tools that anyone can use to digitally edit videos, sound files and photographs, adding a layer of quality to the electronic files that record our lives.


Audio, Video & Picture Editing” is scheduled to be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m., April 16 through June 6, in room 7306 on the college’s Main Campus in Vance County.


Mike Leonard, a computer services technician in the VGCC Information Technology department, is the instructor for this hands-on course. Leonard will show students how to use multimedia editing software, which is available for free via the Web. Participants will learn about converting file formats; cutting, joining and enhancing a file for a custom presentation; and proper recording and storage to preserve your finished products to different types of media, such as a CD, DVD or jump drive.


The registration fee for this course is $120, with other college fees totaling $7. For one course per semester, registration fees are waived for N.C. resident seniors, ages 65 and above.


For more information and to register, call VGCC at (252) 738-3417.