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VGCC Information Systems Security Students Attend Security Conference

Four Information Systems Security students from Vance-Granville Community College attended the Triangle-area “InfoSeCon,” the third annual information security conference organized by the Raleigh Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), on Oct.18 in Cary. Steven Toy, president of the chapter, invited VGCC students Spencer Moorefield of Durham, Lucinda Oakley of Henderson, Mark Shepherd of Oxford and Phillip Spriggs of Stem to work the registration table during the morning, and then attend the conference sessions. Wendy Bailey, VGCC’s Program Head for Web Technologies, also attended the event.

The conference educated attendees on a broad range of topics related to computer security – from infrastructure and data security to the complexities of risk management and government compliance. Vendors were on hand to present their products and discuss services they provide – everything from intrusion detection and antivirus solutions to full-fledged security auditing and monitoring software. Students and other participants were impressed with the Cisco Emergency Response Vehicle that was on display. Student Phillip Spriggs commented that “Cisco was a standout with their networking emergency response vehicle parked outside for individuals to tour and ask questions. Their vehicle had the ability to provide a mobile data infrastructure to a disaster area to allow police, firemen and emergency personnel to continue to function seamlessly.” Lucinda Oakley also said that she enjoyed talking to the vendors. “Everyone was so anxious to tell you what their devices could do. I was impressed.”

Brad Hoelscher, Vice President of the Raleigh ISSA Chapter and Chair of the Conference Set-up Committee, commented that “VGCC students jumped right in and provided seamless and professional support.”

“The students enjoyed the conference and welcomed the opportunity to meet people working in their chosen field of study,” said Wendy Bailey. “It was a great experience for them.”

Information Systems Security is one of VGCC’s newest programs. The two-year curriculum provides individuals with the skills required to implement effective and comprehensive information security controls. With the growing number of security threats on the Internet, experts say that the demand for security professionals will continue to grow over the next 10-15 years.

Anyone interested in learning more about VGCC’s Information Systems Security curriculum may contact instructor Billie Evans at evansb@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3216.

Above: VGCC students (from left) Spencer Moorefield of Durham, Mark Shepherd of Oxford, Phillip Spriggs of Stem and Lucinda Oakley of Henderson attended the Triangle Information Security conference, or “InfoSeCon.”