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VGCC Helps Students enter Job Market

With an increasingly competitive job market in mind, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program at Vance-Granville Community College sponsored a workshop on Feb. 20 focusing on job search skills for students who recently completed Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training. Following the workshop, the students quickly put their skills to work by interviewing for employment opportunities with local health care facilities at a mini-job fair held the same day. Employers who were represented included Brantwood Nursing Center of Oxford, Maxim Healthcare of Henderson, Floyd B. McKissick, Sr. Assisted Living Center of Norlina, Warren Hills Nursing Center of Warrenton and Maria Parham Medical Center.

Both the workshop and interviews were held on the college’s main campus in Henderson. WIA Educational Specialist Denise Davis and WIA Director Sylvia Jones conducted the workshop, which included how to find jobs, interview for jobs and keep jobs after being hired. The WIA program , which is supported by the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board, helps area residents obtain education to enter, re-enter or remain in the labor force. Many participating students were also involved in the Human Resources Development (HRD) program, another way in which the college prepares area residents for success in the workplace.

For more information on enrolling in a CNA class, contact Emily Hamilton at (252) 738-3366.

Above: VGCC Nursing Assistant students and recent graduates talk about employment opportunities with representatives of area health care facilities in a mini-job fair on the college’s main campus. (VGCC photo)