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VGCC Graduates Honored as They Answer the ‘Knock of Opportunity’

Rep. Lucy T. Allen told graduates at Vance-Granville Community College’s spring graduation May 12 that they answered when opportunity knocked and they are now prepared to face the future when job opportunities come calling.

Allen, of Louisburg, who represents the 49th House District in the N.C. General Assembly, was the principal speaker at the college’s 37th commencement exercises FOR 449 graduates held by the campus lake with hundreds of family and friends in attendance.

Economic development is crucial to the future of this region of the state, Allen told the graduates. She spoke of the Kerr-Tar Mini-Hub project in which Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties have joined to bring industry to the area. “The most significant resource for the counties and their sites – an educated work force,” Allen said.

With their newly-earned degrees and diplomas in hand, the graduates are well-positioned to provide that work force, she added. “Your state today is doing the best it can to open the door to job opportunities for you,” Allen said. “You have done your part. The partnership between state government, the business community and the workforce must benefit all of us. You are the strength of this new century!”

Allen praised the graduates for their perseverance in reaching their educational goals. “In ancient Greece and Rome, the winners of races and games were crowned with laurel wreaths,” she said. “How I would like today to be able to do the same for you. You have competed, you have prevailed, as you have finished – a triumph in itself.”

Robert E. Newhouse of Oxford, 2005-2006 president of the college Student Government Association, was the student speaker at the exercises. He thanked all at Vance-Granville Community College who make the school an open door to education, “… where you just come in and go to work seeking wisdom.”

“While all of us have encountered many choices and crossroads in our lives, we also made many turns – left turns, right turns and sometimes we even seem to go in reverse,” Newhouse said. “Today, forward we go, Spring Graduating Class of 2006!”

Newhouse’s advice to his fellow graduates: “Change lives, be true to yourselves and love the life you have been given.”

The spring graduating class of 449 is the largest in the school’s 37-year history. It includes 282 Associate in Applied Science degrees, 23 Associate in Arts degrees, five Associate in Science degrees, 41 technical and vocational diplomas, 51 adult high school diplomas, and 47 high school equivalency diplomas.

Donald C. Seifert Sr., chair of the VGCC Board of Trustees, introduced the speakers and assisted President Randy Parker in presenting degrees and diplomas.

This graduation was the first of two held annually at the college. Summer graduation is scheduled for Aug. 8.