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VGCC Franklin Campus salutes eight day care graduates

Eight graduates of the Child Care Center on Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus were honored in a ceremony on June 26 as they prepared to leave and enter kindergarten this fall. The class of 2013 included Madison Johnston and Alyssa Terry, both of Franklinton; Shepard Dudding, Natalie Edwards, Jenna House, Noah Patrick and Jaden Taylor, all of Louisburg; and Chase Bible of Wake Forest.


Bobbie Jo May, the Dean of Franklin Campus , welcomed family members to the child day care center’s fourteenth graduation ceremony. She applauded the staff, including Lisa Matzner, Sheila Davis, Teresa Gallatin, Lawanda Wilkerson and manager Michelle Patterson, for once again achieving a “five-star” rating from the state of North Caroline earlier this year. “I feel we have provided a great foundation for our children’s future educational opportunities,” May said. “Our staff creates an environment in which children are nurtured, loved, respected, and encouraged to learn and grow.” She thanked the family members in attendance for sharing their children with the VGCC Franklin Campus, saying that they have become part of the college’s “extended family.” In turn, Brittany Bible and June Terry, parents of two graduates, made remarks during the ceremony in which they also thanked the staff at the center for their dedication.


After an invocation by VGCC Early Childhood Education instructor Tina Dekle, Gallatin and Patterson presented the children with diplomas. Patterson also handed out unique “personality certificates” to the students. Dudding and Johnston received the “I Can Make my Pencil Cut a Neat Figure” (outstanding improvement in handwriting) certificates. Bible, Patrick and Taylor were honored as “Active Athletes.” House and Taylor were named “Happy Helpers.” Patrick was awarded the “Sleuth” certificate, while Johnston was named a “Private Eye.” Dudding and Terry were honored as “Friendly Frogs.” Creativity awards went to Edwards and Terry. Edwards also received a “Neat Dress” certificate. Terry was honored for “perfection in handwriting.” House was named a “Social Butterfly.” Bible received the “No Lion, I’ve Been Trying” award.


Student Hailey Burnette served as marshal for the graduation, carrying the American flag as the students processed and recessed.


With the departure of the graduates, spaces for several children are currently available for the fall semester. Parents from among the general public can enroll their children there, as can parents who are VGCC students or employees. For more information, call Michelle Patterson at (919) 496-1567 .


Above: The 2013 graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Franklin Campus Child Care Center included, seated, from left, Alyssa Terry, Natalie Edwards, Madison Johnston and Jenna House; and standing, from left, Shepard Dudding, Noah Patrick, Chase Bible and Jaden Taylor. Standing in back are teachers Teresa Gallatin (left) and Lisa Matzner (right). (VGCC photo)