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VGCC Day Care Students Graduate, Share their Ambitions

Ten graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center on Main Campus were honored in ceremonies on June 3 as they prepared to leave and enter kindergarten this fall.


The Class of 2011 included Jaden Alyssa Billings, Charles Lester Cease, Andrew Zachariah Myrick, Mia Jane Satterwhite and Samuel Talyn Stone, all of Henderson; and Merritt Lee Cogdill, Maya Jean Lloyd, Jamirah Cymone Moore, William Samuel Parks and Landon Westley Williams, all of Oxford.


Denise Gill, the Day Care director, said that each year, teachers ask the graduates what they want to be when they grow up, and she shared their goals and aspirations with the audience of family members and friends. Among the favorite occupations were veterinarian and police officer. There were also future ballerinas, cowboys, dancers, farmers and bankers among the children. Two wanted to work in construction and, in their words, “build stuff.” One little girl announced that she would be her “daddy’s princess.”


The children recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang four songs — “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” “It’s a Beautiful Day,” “The World is a Rainbow” and “Good-bye.” Satterwhite and Lloyd made remarks on behalf of the class. Poems were recited by Billings, Cogdill and Myrick. Moore provided the invocation, while Cease gave the benediction. Deborah Harris, the lead teacher for the graduating class, helped Gill present diplomas to the graduates. Two children from the younger classes, Kennedy J. Taylor and Hannah T. Twisdale, served as graduation marshals.


“It has been a privilege and pleasure to get to know and work with these children and their terrific families,” Gill told those in attendance.


Above: The 2011 graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center included, seated, from left: Jamirah Moore, Landon Williams, Talyn Stone, Charles Cease and Mia Satterwhite; standing, from left: marshal Hannah Twisdale, graduates Andrew Myrick, William Parks, Merritt Cogdill, Jaden Billings, Maya Lloyd and marshal Kennedy Taylor. Standing in back are (left) Day Care Center director Denise Gill and (right) lead teacher Deborah Harris. (VGCC Photo)