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VGCC Day Care Students Graduate

Nine graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center on the college’s Main Campus were honored in ceremonies on June 1 as they prepared to enter kindergarten this fall.


The Class of 2012 included Sahara Lela Wilson of Creedmoor; Chloe Leanne Clayton, Starling Davis Faulkner, IV, Kennedy Jacqueline Taylor, Addison Claire Wilkins and Camden Elizabeth Wyatt, all of Henderson; Benjamin Seth Mustian of Macon; Emily Madison Eckenrode and Hannah Taylor Twisdale, both of Oxford.


Younger children, Koyant Lamar Billings, Jr. of Henderson and Kate Nicole DeZurik and Tess Leah DeZurik, both of Wake Forest, served as graduation marshals.


The children recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang four songs — “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” “Sunshine Medley,” “Sparkle and Shine” and “Good-bye.” Wyatt and Faulkner made remarks on behalf of the class. Poems were recited by Clayton, Wilkins, Wilson and Twisdale. Taylor provided the invocation, while Mustian gave the benediction. Deborah Harris, the lead teacher for the graduating class, helped Gill present diplomas to the graduates.


Denise Gill, the Day Care director, also handed out several special awards to the students. Tess DeZurik received the “Most Articulate” award while her twin sister, Kate, won the “Most Athletic” award. Mustian was named “Most Caring” and Wilson “Most Cooperative.” The “Most Curious” title went to Faulkner, while “Most Dependable” went to Twisdale. Clayton was named “Most Dramatic.” Taylor won the “Most Helpful” award. “Most Inquisitive” went to Wyatt. Eckenrode was named “Most Musical” and Billings was honored as “Most Outgoing.” Olivia Grace Morris of Henderson, a marshal who was unable to attend the ceremony, received the “Most Creative” award. “It has been a privilege and pleasure to get to know and work with these children and their terrific families,” Gill told those in attendance.


Above: The 2012 graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center included, seated, from left: Tess DeZurik and Kate DeZurik, both of Wake Forest, and Koy Billings of Henderson (marshals); Hannah Twisdale of Oxford; Camden Wyatt and Addison Wilkins, both of Henderson; standing, from left: Sahara Wilson of Creedmoor; Emily Eckenrode of Oxford; Kennedy Taylor and Chloe Clayton, both of Henderson; Benjamin Mustian of Macon; and Davis Faulkner of Henderson. Standing in back are (left) Day Care Center director Denise Gill and (right) lead teacher Deborah Harris. (VGCC Photo)