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VGCC Day Care Center Showcased Art

The Day Care Center at Vance-Granville Community College’s main campus held its Annual Art Show on Nov. 15. The 38 artists ranged in age from one to four years old and used a variety of techniques, including marble painting, collage, brush painting, melted-crayon designs and hand-prints.

“The show is a culmination of a couple of weeks spent with the kids doing a variety of creative art activities here at school,” Day Care Center manager Denise Gill said. “The show serves as a great way for our families to meet and fellowship with one another. The art activities encourage the kids’ creativity and the show provides them with a great sense of accomplishment and development of self-confidence. Besides, it’s just plain fun!”

Above: From left, parents Tonya (holding son Andrew) and Kevin Kilgore of Henderson, with VGCC Day Care students Daniel Parham of Henderson and the Kilgores’ daughter, Allison, examine the artwork on display at the annual art show on Main Campus. (VGCC photo)