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VGCC Community Band entertains large audience on Mother’s Day

The Vance-Granville Community Band performed its first Mother’s Day Concert at the Gazebo on VGCC’s main campus on May 10 at 3 p.m. The band played for over 300 people seated throughout the beautifully landscaped setting on blankets and lawn chairs. “The weather was just about perfect,” said Michael Stephenson, the college’s music instructor and director of the band. The concert program included several John Phillip Sousa marches, Broadway show tunes, the spiritual Amazing Grace, and Amparito Roca by the Spanish composer Jamie Texidor. The band also performed Buglers Holiday by Leroy Anderson, featuring trumpeters Bill Davies, Bryan Griffin and Dave Arner, all of Henderson. Several guest conductors joined Stephenson on the podium, including J.F. Webb High School band director Clint McCaskill, Northern Vance High School band director Jason Pulley, Southern Vance High School band director Bill Davies and Granville Central High School band director Charles Peters.

Formed in October 2008, the community band is a combination of VGCC students and interested citizens. All four counties of the VGCC service area are represented in the band, which has grown to more than 50 members. For more information on the band, call Michael Stephenson at (252) 738-3346.

Above: As the audience applauds, the Vance-Granville Community Band and director Michael Stephenson stand in the Gazebo on VGCC’s main campus near the end of their Mother’s Day concert.