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VGCC Board Reviews Plans to Create a Police Presence on Campus

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees held its bimonthly meeting on Monday, May 20 at the college’s Henderson campus.


During that meeting, VGCC Vice President of Employee and Public Relations Stacey Carter-Coley detailed plans for bringing a police force to Main Campus as a way to expand the present campus security and foster partnerships with local law enforcement agencies in the four counties that Vance-Granville serves. The College will keep its current campus security force in place and add two officers who have graduated from Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) and received state certification. Sean Newton will serve as probationary chief of the VGCC Police Department subject to final approval from the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. Newton will be sworn in after that approval has been received.


Also during the meeting, VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams shared with the Board that the college had received a clean audit report and commended the VGCC staff for excellent work. The final report of audit findings for the fiscal year 2012-2013 education audit conducted at VGCC pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 115D-5(m) found no audit exceptions or areas of concern identified for the sample of records pulled from the Institution Class Reports (ICR), programs, policies, and procedures for the period of review Spring Semester 2011 through Spring Semester 2012. Jennifer Haygood, Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer for the North Carolina Community College System , commended Dr. Williams and her staff for the excellent manner in which they had followed record keeping procedures prescribed by the State Board of Community Colleges.


In other business, the Board announced its 2013-2014 meeting calendar. The regular meetings of the Board are held bi-monthly, generally on the third Monday, at 7 p.m. in the Board Room in Building 1 on Main Campus, unless otherwise noted. Committee meetings are held on the same day, beginning at 5 p.m. The 2013-2014 meetings will be held as follows: July 15, 2013; September 16, 2013; November 18, 2013; January 27, 2014; March 17, 2014; and May 19, 2014. The Chair of the Board sets and approves all agenda items that are to be presented to the Board. The Chair must receive agenda items for consideration by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, the week prior to the regularly scheduled meetings. Such requests must include topics for consideration and any documents for presentation.


Also during the meeting, the Board recognized Student Government Association President and Student Trustee Felicia Sanders-Gupton of Warrenton for her service on the Board. Sanders-Gupton, who graduated in May with an Associate in Arts degree , joined the Board in November 2012 and has represented student interests at all Board meetings since that time. She has been the recipient of an endowed academic scholarship from VGCC, and she has been active on campus as a student leader. She was an Orientation Specialist for two years, vice-president and co-founder of the Social Sciences Club, a member of the Spanish Club, a representative in the Student Government Association in 2011-2012 and finally SGA president in 2012-2013. Sanders-Gupton plans to transfer to North Carolina Central University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Social Work, followed by graduate school and a career working with children.


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, July 15 at 7 p.m. in the board room on Main Campus.


Above: VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams (left) and Board Chair Deborah F. Brown (right) recognize Student Government Association President and Student Trustee Felicia Sanders-Gupton for her service on the Board. Sanders-Gupton, a College Transfer student from Warrenton, joined the Board in November 2012 and has represented student interests at all Board meetings since that time. (VGCC photo)