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VGCC Board Approves Early College Programs

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees held its bimonthly meeting on Monday, January 28 at the Henderson campus of Vance-Granville Community College. During that meeting the Board approved offering the Early College Program, beginning a new Infant/ Toddler Care certificate program, and offering additional classes in the Federal Correctional facilities in Butner. The Board also approved an amended mid-year budget for the college.

Upon a recommendation from the Curriculum Committee, chaired by Grace Vickery, the Board approved the proposal to offer Early College Programs in conjunction with Vance County and Warren County public schools, beginning on VGCC campuses in Fall 2008. The Early College program will allow high school students to take both high school and college-level credit classes. At the end of a five-year period, students will graduate from high school with both a high school diploma and a two-year college degree. High school officials will recommend students for the program.

Also from the Curriculum Committee, the Board voted to offer a new Infant/ Toddler Care certificate program at the college. This certificate program will prepare individuals to work with children from infancy to three years of age in diverse learning environments. Employment opportunities for graduates will include child development and child care programs, Early Head Start Programs and other infant/ toddler programs.

Finally, the Board approved the mid-year amendments to the 2007-2008 Budget Resolution, as recommended by Budget Committee chair Sara Wester. The combined amended budget for 2007-2008 is $37,678,634.

The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, March 17 in the board room on main campus. The Board’s regular meeting in May has been rescheduled. It will be held on Monday, May 19 at 7 p.m. in the Board Room.