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TRIO Achievers Urged To Seek Excellence

The Student Support Services division of Vance-Granville Community College presented a TRIO Day celebration Feb. 12 in the Civic Center.

TRIO stands for three government programs that help disadvantaged students overcome obstacles and succeed in the classroom. Counseling and tutoring are two of the services that Student Support Services offers students who need them.

Several students spoke of how Student Support Services had helped them.

Gracie Crews and Cynthia Powell spoke of how hard it is to return to school after being out 28 to 30 years. They said they would not have made it without the tutoring, advising and friendship given to them by Support Services personnel. Gracie now has a 3.8 grade point average.

Adam Maldanado, who is from Mexico, said that his English was poor when he came to Vance-Granville, not to mention that he was thoroughly confused. With the help of two tutors, he has advanced from failing to a B average.

Paul Lawrence Vann was the principal speaker for the celebration. He is a Henderson native and retired Air Force lieutenant colonel who is now a nationally recognized motivational speaker. He spoke on “Competing in a Multi-Cultural Society: The Expectations and Considerations.”

He talked about the challenges America faces in overcoming stereotypes and of the success and profitability of companies with good diversity programs.

TRIO students were told that they are learning what it is to overcome obstacles, and they were urged to seek excellence. “Dream, set achievable