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Sylvia Jones Nominated For State Staff Award

The VGCC Professional Advisory Committee has selected Sylvia Jones, coordinator of Workforce Investment Act and Class Size Projects, as the winner of the college’s Staff Award for 2003.

Jones was chosen from among four nominees made by VGCC staff and faculty for the honor. Others nominated were Charles Brooks, custodian at South Campus; Anthony Grissom, computer software specialist; and Ernestine Peace, accounting supervisor.

The nomination package for Jones will be submitted to the N.C. Community College System office to compete among staff nominees from the other 58 schools in the system for the state Staff Award. The state winner will be announced at the annual Day of Recognition banquet, usually held in November.

Commenting on the selection of Jones for the award, Daniel Alvarado, PAC chairman, said: “While only one candidate could be chosen, it is certainly an honor for anyone to be nominated by one’s own peers for this award. I would like to congratulate each of the nominees.”