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Special guests teach VGCC day care kids about jobs

The Day Care Center at Vance-Granville Community College’s main campus recently observed Community Helper Week, when the young students learned about various service occupations. Two special guests highlighted the week, cosmetologist Shannon Newman and veterinarian Dr. Bridget Waters, both of Henderson. Both talked with the kids briefly about their respective careers, and each brought in some of the common “tools” they use every day in their jobs and explained their use. Newman, whose daughter, Annah, is in the two-year-old class at the day care, treated several children to new hairstyles. Waters, who recently opened Dabney Drive Animal Hospital in Henderson, also brought in a Yorkshire Terrier and her own Golden Retriever, Hank. Waters, who has a son, Benjamin, in the day care’s toddler class, demonstrated how she clips a pet’s nails, and talked about how the latest microchip technology helps pet owners keep track of their pets. She also “treated” several stuffed animals the children had brought to school, checking their eyes and ears, clipping their claws and giving them some bright, colorful bandages.


Above, top: Dr. Bridget Waters (left) talks with children at the VGCC Day Care Center about proper care of animals as she introduces her golden retriever, Hank.

Above, bottom: Cosmetologist Shannon Newman styles the hair of three-year-old VGCC Day Care student Davis Faulkner of Henderson.