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Russian Educators

In the photo above, nine Russian educators who are spending a 5-week internship in Granville County visited the Vance-Granville Community College campus March 12. They sat in on, and observed, Western Civilization and Southern Culture classes, met with VGCC instructors and toured the college’s main campus. The main purpose of the Russians’ visit to the area is to study citizenship education and, upon their return home, to share the knowledge, techniques and insights gained with their peers. The Russian educators, gathered at the campus gazebo, are, front row, from left: Alexandra Degtereva, Mary Ann Lumpkins of Granville County, their escort, Ekaterina Ivanova, Irina Berezina, and Galina Alexandrova; back row, from left: Natalya Yuryeva, Stanislavi Shapiro, Victor Inguilevetich, Michail Baronov and Sergey Rebrov. 



Above are the nine Russian educators visiting Vance-Granville Community College March 12 sitting in on a Southern Culture class taught by James Powell. The visitors are on a 5-week visit to Granville County to study citizenship education.