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Public Invited to Autumn Arts Reception at VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College and the Kerr Lake Art Society will hold a reception for the 32nd Annual Autumn Arts show on Sunday, Oct. 21 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. in the gallery on the second floor of Building 7 of the college’s main campus in Vance County. The public is invited.

Refreshments will be provided. Several of this year’s featured artists will be on hand, and awards will be presented.

Art will remain on display through Nov. 16. The Autumn Arts competition is open to all artists, amateurs and professionals, working in any two-dimensional media, including photography, drawings, prints and collages. Anyone interested in the show may call Lelia Brigham at (252) 492-5281 for more information.

Above: Admirers view the works of art on display at the 2006 Autumn Arts show, held at the main campus of Vance-Granville Community College. (VGCC photo)