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‘Miss Adelaide’ Proves You’re Never Too Old To Learn In VGCC’s Computer Classes

Barbara Thompson is 61 and is the baby of the Introduction to Computers class at Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus.

Her classmates include brothers Wilton Smith, 74, and Richard Smith, 70. And they’re not the senior members of the class.

That honor belongs to Adelaide Johnson, who is 95, “going on 96.”

All four members of the class live in Louisburg.

Miss Johnson is known as “Miss Adelaide” in the class. She is Thompson’s aunt, is a retired schoolteacher and also worked for The Franklin Times, which her family owned and published many years. “I taught at Louisburg College and at just about every school in Franklin County,” she said.

Spry and sharp, Miss Johnson said she has owned an older-style computer for about 30 years, but had not used it for a couple of years. “I had gotten rusty, and when Barbara told me she was going to take the class, I decided to brush up on my skills, too,” she said. “It also helped that the class is free to those over 65.”

In the past, she has used her computer to help her late sister, Elizabeth Johnson, edit the North Carolina Bulletin of the American Association of   University Women. “Now, I’ll mostly use it to write letters,” she said. “I like the easy correcting; you don’t have to erase.”

Wilton Smith is using the computer as a type of therapy. “I had a stroke, and the doctor recommended I use the computer to challenge my mind,” said the retired government employee. “It teaches you coordination.”          

Wilton said he has all kinds of high-tech computer equipment, including a digital camera. “All I’m lacking is knowledge,” he said.

Barbara Thompson, also a former teacher, said her daughter recently gave her a computer and told her, “Mother, now you have no excuse for not learning to use one.” Since she knew nothing about computers, Thompson said she figured she had to take a class. She has gained enough knowledge so she’s about ready to hook up to the Internet.

Adelaide Johnson, Barbara Thompson and Wilton Smith all have high praise for their instructor, Sheila Jenkins. Miss Johnson said, “We have a fine teacher,” and Smith added, “She does a good job of simplifying a complicated system.”

Jenkins said the Introduction to Computers class teaches the components of a computer, how to use it for simple things, and about icons and what they mean.

The students have even learned to play solitaire on the computer. “I have never won a game (of solitaire) with cards, but I won the first time on the computer,” said a delighted Adelaide Johnson.

“I’m just amazed at how fast things are changing,” said Johnson, who remembers the first three cars in Louisburg. “I cannot imagine what things will be like in 20 years.”

Introduction to Computers is taught on all four of Vance-Granville’s campuses, in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties. It is among more than 100 computer classes taught through the college’s Computer Center. For a complete schedule of classes, check the fall edition of Arches, which will be distributed in mid-July, or visit the college’s website at vgcc.springerstudios.net .

Wilton Smith, Adelaide Johnson and Barbara Thompson, seated from left, gather around the computers in the Occupational Extension computer lab at Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus. Standing with them is Sheila Jenkins, the instructor of their Introduction to Computers class.