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Longest-serving Trustee Frazier reappointed to VGCC board

A tuition rate increase, the reorganization of computer curriculum programs and the reappointment of a longtime trustee were among the highlights of the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, July 21.


Pending resolution by the North Carolina General Assembly, the per-credit-hour charge for in-state students enrolling in curriculum programs has increased by 50 cents to $72, according to a report from Steven Graham, VGCC’s vice president of finance and operations. Out-of-state residents will have the same 50-cent increase, to $264 per credit hour.


“It is still uncertain when a final budget agreement will be reached by the General Assembly,” Graham told the trustees. “While a final budget has not yet been enacted into law, conversations with House and Senate budget conferees suggest that the (increase) … will be included in the final budget.”


Because colleges need to proceed with fall semester student registration and “to avoid costly supplemental tuition increase billings,” Graham said, the Finance Committee of the State Board of Community Colleges voted for the increase included in the Senate’s proposed budget.


If the General Assembly adjourns without approving the tuition increase, “this action will be null and void and all students who have paid the increased rate will receive a refund,” Graham noted.


Continuing education registration fees will not change, he added.


Computer programs


Curriculum programs in Computer Information Technology, Networking, Information Systems Security and Web Technologies are being closed in the summer of 2015 as part of a reorganization effort, VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams announced.


“We will be phasing these students into new pathways that will increase flexibility and preparation for the workforce,” said Dr. Williams.


The four programs have been reorganized under the Computer Technology Integration (CTI) curriculum and will be offered as tracks, she said: CTI-IT Support , CTI-Networking & Security Technologies , and CTI-Web Design & Support .


Board organization


L. Opie Frazier Jr. of Henderson was sworn in for another term on the VGCC Board of Trustees during Monday night’s meeting. Frazier, a former chair of the board, holds the record for the longest service as a trustee in the history of the college. He was on the board from 1971 to 1996 and returned in 2002.


N.C. District Court Judge J. Henry Banks of Henderson administered Frazier’s oath of office for another four-year term. His appointment was made by the Vance County Board of Education.


The board also voted to re-elect Trustee Deborah Brown of Henderson as chair, Stan Fox of Oxford as vice chair and Dr. Doris Terry Williams of Henderson as secretary for 2014-2015.


President Williams announced that Barbara Harris has been appointed by the Granville County Board of Education to replace Trustee Ernest Thompson, who did not seek reappointment. The swearing-in for Harris is scheduled for the Board’s September meeting.


Distance Education


In a follow-up to action taken at an earlier meeting, the trustees approved a policy that gives the college the right to refuse admission to applicants, who are not residents of North Carolina, that seek admission to a distance education course if the applicants reside in a state in which the college is not authorized to provide distance education.


In May, the board approved a Quality in Distance, Online and Hybrid Learning Policy, under which VGCC complies with the Higher Education Opportunity Act and the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) standards for quality online courses as well as the guidelines for reporting of distance education as set by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges.


VGCC secures authorization from states that require educational institutions to be legally authorized in their state prior to offering online, or distance education , programs and courses to students residing in that state.


Other Action


In other action:

• The N.C. State Auditor’s Financial Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2013, showed no deficiencies, according to a committee report from Sara C. Wester, VGCC trustee.

• The N.C. Community College System’s Education Program Audit for 2012-2013 showed no audit exceptions or areas of concern, according to a committee report from Dr. Angela Ballentine, vice president of academic and student affairs, on behalf of Dr. Doris Terry Williams, trustee.

• Project work is expected to be bid soon for water and sewer system upgrades and building renovations for VGCC’s new Building 10, located across Poplar Creek Road from the rest of the main campus, according to a report from John M. Foster, trustee.

• On recommendation from the Executive Committee, the VGCC Campus Police Department Operations Manual was approved by the board and the trustees voted in favor of a new policy to include environmental considerations in purchasing decisions along with concerns for sustainability, price, performance and availability.

• Amendments were approved to the 2013-2014 budget resolution, and the athletics budget for 2014-2015 was approved.

• Vance-Granville has formed a partnership with Chamberlain College of Nursing that will help graduates of VGCC’s Associate Degree Nursing program transition to complete a bachelor’s degree in Nursing through distance education, the board was informed.

• The board approved the offering of Distribution & Logistics Management, Maintenance Mechanics and Custodial/Environmental Services at Franklin Correctional Center and Introduction to Plumbing at Warren Correctional Institution.

• The meeting was followed by a closed session for the discussion of personnel matters.


The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Sept. 15. A board retreat will be held Aug. 25.


Above: District Court Judge J. Henry Banks Jr. from the Ninth Judicial District of North Carolina, left, swears in L. Opie Frazier Jr. of Henderson for a four-year term on the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees. Frazier, a former board chair, is the longest serving member of the board. He was a board member from 1971 to 1996 and came back on the board in 2002 as a Vance County Board of Education appointee. (VGCC photo)