Home News Archives Law Enforcement Veteran, a VGCC Alum, helps salute Adult Basic Skills graduates

Law Enforcement Veteran, a VGCC Alum, helps salute Adult Basic Skills graduates

Vance-Granville Community College held commencement exercises honoring graduates of the college’s Adult Basic Skills programs on May 7 in the VGCC Civic Center. Participants in the ceremony were among those students who have completed either the Adult High School Diploma program or the High School Equivalency program in the past year.

VGCC Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs Dr. Angela Ballentine welcomed graduates, families and friends to the celebration. She congratulated the graduates and encouraged them to continue their education at VGCC by enrolling in a curriculum degree, diploma or certificate program. “This could be the first of many commencement exercises for you,” Ballentine said. “Let your success so far be an inspiration for you to continue on to the next level.”

Speaking on behalf of the graduating students during the ceremony was Heather Clopton of Henderson. Clopton recalled hearing about the VGCC Basic Skills Plus program, which was new at the time and would allow her to take High School Equivalency classes at the same time as the Nurse Aide I (CNA) program. “I have always wanted to study nursing, so this was a perfect opportunity,” she said. “I was so excited that my educational experience was finally moving in a positive direction.” Clopton’s mother supported her enrollment at VGCC.

“Two days after I started the CNA class, my mother had a heart attack,” Clopton said. “She passed away the next day. I knew that all I wanted to do from then on was to make her proud of me. Going to school and becoming a nurse was what she wanted for me, because she knew that’s what I wanted for myself.” She found it difficult to continue her studies while taking on new responsibilities around the house, including helping care for her younger siblings. Clopton was able to switch to taking HSE preparatory classes online through VGCC, making her schedule more manageable. She went on to complete both programs. “When I finished, I knew then how proud I had made everyone, but also knew that if I could accomplish this, anyone can,” Clopton said. “Nothing feels better than knowing you have accomplished one of your goals despite the mountain you had to climb to get there.” She went on to enroll in curriculum classes at VGCC, and her ultimate goal is to become a pediatric registered nurse.

Wellington R. Scott, Sr., of Raleigh, a retired lieutenant colonel and deputy commander of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, was the principal commencement speaker. Scott recalled that he was a student in the College Transfer program at VGCC in the early 1980s and even met his future wife in one of Dr. Carl Flippin’s classes. “This institution means a great deal to me,” Scott said. “This school set the tone for my professional career. I had great instructors who made me want to learn. They believed in my abilities, they influenced me and allowed me to develop in ways that gave me an opportunity to be very productive in my professional life. So I am always grateful to Vance-Granville.” To the graduates, he offered lessons on leadership. “All of you have the power to be great influencers and leaders,” he said. “You have the potential to lead within the scope of your responsibility or influence. You can make a difference in the world in which you live.”

Following Scott’s address, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of VGCC, praised the graduates and applauded the Basic Skills faculty for preparing students to succeed. As an extra incentive for graduates to move on to the next level of education, she announced that each would receive a certificate worth free tuition and fees for one semester of courses in curriculum programs at VGCC, absorbing costs not covered by federal financial aid. “I’m looking forward to seeing you once again in your postsecondary education,” the president said. “At Vance-Granville, our doors will always be open to you.”


After VGCC Director of Leadership and Professional Development Jeffrey Allen announced the candidates for graduation, Dr. Ballentine assisted President Williams in presenting diplomas.


Above:  Retired N.C. State Highway Patrol Lt. Col. Wellington R. Scott, Sr., addresses VGCC Adult Basic Skills graduates. (VGCC photo)


Heather Clopton of Henderson speaks to her fellow Adult Basic Skills graduates during the May 7 commencement exercises in the Civic Center.

Above: Heather Clopton of Henderson speaks to her fellow Adult Basic Skills graduates during the May 7 commencement exercises in the Civic Center.


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