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First Bloodmobile At South Campus A Big Success

VGCC’s Main Campus has hosted American Red Cross bloodmobiles twice a year for a long time. But the bloodmobile visit to South Campus on Feb. 27 was the first-ever for that location.

Vance-Granville’s Ambassadors sponsored the South Campus bloodmobile visit, and from all indications it was a big success. There were 30 people, mostly VGCC students, who registered to give blood at the event.

Ambassadors Julie Rollins, president, Beverly Byrd, vice president, and Tonya Milburn, South Campus Ambassador, all of whom take most of their classes at the Creedmoor campus, were on hand to assist Red Cross workers. The bloodmobile was set up in a classroom.

Cecelia Wheeler, South Campus coordinator, said the satellite is looking forward to hosting more bloodmobile visits in the future.

In the photo above, Radiography instructor Dr. Lauren Noble shares a laugh with Ambassador Beverly Byrd as a Red Cross worker hooks Noble up to give blood during the bloodmobile visit to South Campus Feb. 27.

In the photo on the right, Ambassadors Tonya Milburn, Beverly Byrd and Julie Rollins, left to right, prepare to assist in the bloodmobile visit to South Campus sponsored by the Ambassadors Feb. 27.


Students at South Campus have drinks and snacks after giving blood during the Red Cross bloodmobile visit to the satellite at Creedmoor Feb. 27.