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Eleven Graduate From Workforce Investment Act Class At VGCC Warren County Campus

May is a big month for graduations and for a group of primarily laid-off workers, May 1 was the big day as they graduated from the Workforce Investment Act class conducted at Vance-Granville Community College’s Warren County Campus.

Completing the 11-week program were Rita Antel of Norlina, Gregory Davis, Mable Lindsey, Dianne Paschall, Coresea Twitty and Belinda Yancey, all of Warrenton, Patricia Shaw of Macon, Sharon Pierce of Wise, Tia Dixon and Shirley Person of Henderson, and Kelly Trivett of Oxford.

Terry Garrison, dean of Workforce Development at Vance-Granville, told the crowd of family members and friends gathered for the ceremonies that, “This class was not supposed to happen.” Because normal funding dried up, “It took some creative efforts by the college to make the program possible,” he said.

Workforce Development Act training focuses on help unemployed get training and find employment. It is comprised of basic computer keyboarding skills as well as classes to prepare persons for the workplace. Normally, the WIA class runs 21 weeks, but it was compressed into 11 weeks because of the funding crunch, said Brondelle Edgerton, WIA educational specialist and instructor.

Garrison commented that the class provided the students with computer and technology skills necessary in today’s job market. “You students have taken a step to turn an adverse situation into a positive opportunity,” he said.

Dianne Paschall of Warrenton spoke for the graduates and said most of the class members had been laid off their jobs, and they need new skills to compete in a tough job market.

Paschall also praised Edgerton for sharing skills, knowledge and her love with the class. “Because of you, we are confident we can go out and succeed,” she said.

Edgerton promised the graduates that the WIA staff will remain in contact to assist them in their job endeavors and to counsel them when they need help. She also recognized Mable Lindsey, Paschall, Patricia Shaw and Belinda Yancey for having perfect attendance throughout the 11-week program.

Shown above are the May 1 graduatesfrom the Workforce Investment Act job training program at Vance-Granville Community College’s Warren County Campus, seated, from left: Shirley Person of Henderson, Patricia Shaw of Macon, Belinda Yancey of Warrenton, Tia Dixon of Henderson and Sharon Pierce of Wise; standing, from left: Mable Lindsey of Warrenton, Kelly Trivett of Oxford, Coresea Twitty and Gregory Davis, both of Warrenton, Rita Antel of Norlina and Dianne Paschall of Warrenton.