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Diplomat talks Turkey at VGCC on October 15

A veteran diplomat will visit Vance-Granville Community College to discuss the Republic of Turkey on Wednesday, Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. until noon in the Civic Center on the college’s main campus. The public is invited to attend the presentation, which is offered free of charge.

The guest speaker, Ambassador Michael W. Cotter (pictured above), will offer some historical background on Turkey before discussing changes and challenges facing the country in today’s uncertain world. Cotter plans to address issues such as the Kurdish situation in relation to Iraq; Turkey’s relationship with the European Union; Russia’s aggressive reassertion of its role in the region; and the impact of internal demographic developments on Turkey’s political system.

Cotter was a career Foreign Service officer who served in seven countries, including Turkey, South Vietnam and Bolivia, during his 32-year career with the State Department. His final posting was as U.S. ambassador to Turkmenistan (1995-1998). Now retired and living in North Carolina, Cotter is the publisher of American Diplomacy , an online journal of commentary and analysis on international issues.

Cotter’s presentation is the third installment of an International Speakers Series sponsored by the VGCC Global Awareness Committee in partnership with the University of North Carolina’s World View program. For more information, contact Bobby Van Brunt at (252) 738-3412.