Home News Archives Creedmoor attorney speaks to Vance County Early College students

Creedmoor attorney speaks to Vance County Early College students

Shortly before the recent spring semester ended, attorney Roderick Allison of Creedmoor spoke to Vance County Early College High School students as part of a spring speakers’ series sponsored by the Vance-Granville Community College Male Mentoring Success Initiative (MMSI). VGCC staff member Anthony Pope, co-coordinator of the MMSI, introduced Allison as a “triple threat,” not only an attorney but also a comedian and a musician. Allison has performed comedy and made motivational presentations to groups across the country.

Allison talked with the students, who were joined by some faculty and staff from both the high school and the college, about their dreams and the need for hard work to achieve those dreams.

“Find out what you’re good at, and focus on that,” Allison advised the students. “Also, know what you’re not good at. Personally, I’m not good at math.” He recalled that in high school, “I made all A’s in math because I’m funny. I made the math teachers laugh and I was creative, and they gave me good grades for the effort!”

Everyone has potential, he emphasized. “In school, I was smart, but mostly, I worked hard and I developed my talents. I ended up being the valedictorian of my graduating class at North Carolina Central University, even though others were smarter than me.” Allison put that same work ethic to practice in comedy, repeatedly practicing a routine in his basement as a young man. He told the young students that they cannot wait until later to develop their talents and skills. “Prepare now for what you want to be,” he said.

Supported by a grant from the North Carolina Community College System, the MMSI at VGCC works to help male students stay in school and on track to graduate or transfer to a four-year university. For more information on the mentoring initiative, contact Anthony Pope at popea@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3395.


Above: Roderick Allison addresses Vance County Early College High School students in the VGCC Civic Center. (VGCC photo)