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Community College System’s top honor presented to former VGCC president

Dr. Ben F. Currin, the former president of Vance-Granville Community College, formally received the highest honor bestowed by the North Carolina Community College System, the I.E. Ready Award, at a recent ceremony.

Held on May 27 at the Brio restaurant in Raleigh, the luncheon marked a VGCC “family reunion” that brought together longtime college trustees, Endowment Fund Board members and senior administrators. Exactly half of VGCC’s six presidents were in attendance, including Dr. Currin; Robert A. Miller, who succeeded Currin; and Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the current president. Currin was joined by his wife, Betsy, herself a veteran educator and former vice president of Nash Community College.

Janet Lowder of Albemarle, N.C., the vice-chair of the State Board of Community Colleges, was on hand to officially present the award and medallion to Currin.

Named for Isaac Epps Ready, the first state director of the North Carolina Community College System, the prestigious award was created in 1983 to recognize individuals who have made significant, statewide contributions to the establishment, development or enhancement of the System. Previous winners of the I.E. Ready Award include former governors, former state legislators, former members of the State Board of Community Colleges, former Council of State members, former United States Senators, former college trustees, former college presidents and former System presidents.

Currin’s 40-year career in public education included serving as president of VGCC for 18 years starting in 1981. Under Currin’s leadership, VGCC grew from one campus to four, with a total of almost $18 million worth of new construction at all the campuses. Early in his tenure, VGCC also reactivated the college’s Endowment Fund , which grew from $12,000 in 1982 to $5 million at the time of his retirement and provided scholarships for numerous students. In retirement, Currin, who lives in Raleigh, continues to serve on the Endowment Fund Board of Directors.

Speaking at the ceremony, Currin said that VGCC’s service area was “the most gracious community I’ve ever lived in.” He recalled the generous support that the college received while he was president, sometimes quite unexpectedly. In 1998, retired librarian Nannie A. Crowder of Henderson and retired business executive Robert B. “Bob” Butler of Warrenton died on the same day, leaving more than $800,000 and more than $2 million, respectively, to VGCC. In Butler’s case, the bequest was a complete surprise, as he had no history of giving to the college and had not told college officials of his intentions. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Currin marveled, adding that he was equally impressed with all the other, smaller donations from citizens and businesses in the four-county area.

“It was just the most rewarding job I’ve ever had,” he said of his VGCC tenure. “I’m so proud to have served and to have been part of the growth of the college. I’m very honored and thankful for being recognized.”

During the ceremony, several attendees made remarks honoring the former president’s leadership, including James Edwards, the current VGCC director of communications who was hired by Currin in 1989 as marketing director; Eddie Ferguson, the Endowment Fund director who is also Currin’s cousin; Robert Hubbard, who was recruited by Currin to serve on the Endowment board and is now its vice-chairman; Opie Frazier and Donald Seifert, both longtime VGCC trustees and Endowment board members; and Robert Miller, who served under Currin both in the Rocky Mount City Schools and as a VGCC official.

“He hired me for my first job out of college, 46 years ago,” Miller said. “I cannot think of any individual that would be more deserving of this award than Ben Currin. I not only appreciate what he’s done for me, but what he’s done for education and what he’s done for Vance-Granville Community College.”

Dr. Williams congratulated Currin and thanked him for his service to the college and to North Carolina. “When I became president of VGCC in 2012, one of the first people I called was Dr. Currin. He then took me to lunch, and we go to lunch every few months or so, but I have to say, this is my favorite lunch, because I’m so happy to share this moment with you,” Williams said to her predecessor. “You are such a deserving recipient of the I.E. Ready Award. You have left a great legacy at our college, and it is an honor to continue to move the college forward and build upon that foundation that you created.”

A native of Granville County and a graduate of Oxford High School, Currin received his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1959. He earned his master's degree in education in 1962 and his advanced graduate certificate in professional education in 1963, both from UNC. He received his doctorate in education from UNC in 1970 in education administration with a minor in political science.

Currin assumed the VGCC presidency after having served as a teacher, coach and public school administrator, including 11 years as superintendent of Rocky Mount City Schools. While in Rocky Mount, he also taught graduate courses at East Carolina University as an adjunct professor.


Above: From left, State Board of Community Colleges vice-chair Janet Lowder, I.E. Ready Award recipient and former VGCC President Dr. Ben Currin and Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the current VGCC president. (VGCC photo)