Home News Archives Health & Medicine VGCC Nursing student coordinates Blood Drive

VGCC Nursing student coordinates Blood Drive

Vance-Granville Community College hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive on its Main Campus in Vance County on July 25. For only the second time, a VGCC Associate Degree Nursing student, in this case Patricia Bumpass of Oxford, served as coordinator of the blood drive.


Considering that it was held on a Friday during the summer — when blood donations typically decrease — Bumpass said that the drive went well. As coordinator, her tasks included scheduling donors, advertising the drive, preparing a location for the drive and “doing whatever the Red Cross workers needed me to do,” she said. By serving as the coordinator, Bumpass became eligible for a scholarship opportunity through the American Red Cross.


The drive resulted in the donation of 24 units of blood. Among the donors were students, including Bumpass herself, as well as VGCC employees and members of the community. There were five first-time donors, Bumpass noted.


“The blood drive was important to me because this summer, there is a critical shortage of blood, while the need for blood actually increases this time of year due to accidents and other emergencies,” Bumpass said. “I particularly hope more African Americans will become blood donors.” According to the Red Cross , increasing donations from African Americans is vital because blood types O and B, the blood types of about 70 percent of African Americans, are the types most in demand. Genetically-similar blood is also ideal for people who need repeated blood transfusions for conditions like sickle cell anemia, which predominantly affects African Americans.


Bumpass is scheduled to graduate from the VGCC Associate Degree Nursing program in May 2015.  She plans to continue her education by earning a bachelor’s degree in Nursing, and would like to work in pediatric nursing.


Above:  Patricia Bumpass is seen here in the Student Lounge on VGCC’s Main Campus during the blood drive that she coordinated. (VGCC photo)