Home News Archives Health & Medicine VGCC Nursing graduate to lead statewide initiative

VGCC Nursing graduate to lead statewide initiative

Paris A. Williamson of Durham, who graduated in May from the Associate Degree Nursing program at Vance-Granville Community College, recently took office as the “Breakthrough to Nursing” Director for the North Carolina Association of Nursing Students (NCANS). Williamson was elected to this position by members of the association at their most recent annual convention, held this spring at East Carolina University. She will serve a one-year term.


“As director, my main responsibility is to promote diversity in the field of nursing,” Williamson said. Breakthrough to Nursing is a longstanding diversity initiative of the National Student Nurses Association. Williamson will work with fellow nursing students across North Carolina, including the president and district directors from NCANS, on the initiative. “I will be developing a project designed for colleges and universities to promote nursing as a career with various minority groups and also among males,” she said. “We want to highlight diversity and boost interest in nursing among kids from all kinds of backgrounds before they go to college.” Williamson said she ran for the office because she could personally relate to the importance of the project. “It would have been beneficial to me if someone had come to my middle school or my inner-city high school and informed me about the benefits of a Nursing career,” Williamson reflected.


Williamson recently passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), officially making her a Registered Nurse. She called the education she received at VGCC “a great investment” and is looking forward to continuing her Nursing education at a four-year university this fall.


At VGCC, Williamson served as Associate Degree Nursing Class of 2014 vice president and as president of the college’s chapter of the National Student Nurses Association. She received a McKesson Scholarship through NSNA in 2013, as one of only 16 recipients from across the country. She also received two endowed scholarships from VGCC.


Above: Paris Williamson speaks during her VGCC Nursing class pinning ceremony in May. (VGCC Photo)