Home News Archives Business VGCC Small Business seminar offers tips to increase sales

VGCC Small Business seminar offers tips to increase sales

Vance-Granville Community College’s Small Business Center will present a free seminar, entitled “Relationship Sales,” on Wednesday, Sept. 14. The seminar will be held from 9 a.m. until Noon in room 7107 of Building 7 on the college’s main campus in Vance County.


Seminar instructor John Formica of Charlotte will help local businesses learn how to be more effective in sales. His tips will focus on avoiding misunderstandings with potential clients and customers, knowing what buyers find most helpful and most objectionable in salespeople, and knowing what customers really want — rather than what you think they need. Seminar participants will leave with strategies to enhance business relationships, relate to customers and create loyalty.


VGCC Small Business Center Director Diane Finch advised that space is limited for this free seminar. To reserve a seat, pre-register by calling the Small Business Center at (252) 738-3275 or 738-3240.