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Retired dean speaks to VGCC Adult Basic Skills graduates

Vance-Granville Community College held commencement exercises for new graduates of the college’s Adult Basic Skills programs on May 12 in the VGCC Civic Center. The honored graduates included 125 students who completed the Adult High School Diploma program and 90 who completed the General Educational Development (GED) High School Equivalency program.


VGCC Vice President of Community & Economic Development Vanessa Jones commended the graduates for reaching the milestone in the face of challenges. She invited graduates to continue their education and “to seize the opportunities ahead of you.”


Adult High School graduate Quinn Ern of Creedmoor spoke on behalf of her classmates. Ern completed her diploma at VGCC’s South Campus from January through April. Immediately after being informed she had completed all her requirements, she filled out an application for the College Transfer program at VGCC. “So when people ask me what I’m going to do now, my answer is not ‘I’m going to Disney World,’ it’s ‘I’m going to college,’ and that’s what I’ve always wanted to do,” Ern said. “I’d like to thank everyone who helped me to take advantage of this second chance to achieve success.”


Leo Kelly, Jr. of Henderson, who retired in 2008 as VGCC’s Dean of Adult Basic Education, was the principal commencement speaker. He recalled the earlier days of the Basic Skills program and lauded the faculty and staff members of yesterday and today. “They have always looked for ways to improve the program, they always had your back, and they would always listen to your concerns,” Kelly told students. “Now, as you plan to receive your diploma, please remember you got here through your hard work, a dedicated division of adult basic education instructors and staff, and many other people who are here this evening.” He advised graduates to “give back to your community and encourage a non-high school graduate to take advantage of this program.” Even in retirement, Kelly has been encouraging and assisting individuals to complete high school diplomas at VGCC. Following Kelly’s address, Dr. Randy Parker, the president of VGCC, pointed out that Kelly holds the record as VGCC’s longest-serving full-time employee, with 37 years of service. “Leo has influenced more VGCC graduates than any other individual who has worked or will ever work at the college,” Parker said. “Under his leadership, over 10,000 students have received the GED or Adult High School diploma.” Parker went on to emphasize to graduates that commencement means “not an ending, but a beginning” to a new phase of life and their lifelong education.


After Director of Adult Basic Skills Sue W. Grissom presented candidates for graduation, Vanessa Jones and Leo Kelly assisted President Parker in conferring diplomas.


Several VGCC Adult Basic Skills students served as graduation marshals and ushers.


Above: From left, VGCC President Randy Parker thanks retired Dean of Adult Basic Education Leo Kelly, Jr., following his commencement address to graduates of Adult Basic Skills programs on May 12. (VGCC photo)