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VGCC Cultural Fair promotes Global Awareness

Vance-Granville Community College’s Civic Center was a global village on March 30, when the college’s annual Cultural Fair provided opportunities to explore a diverse world of food, fun and entertainment. The VGCC Global Awareness Committee stages the event each year to expose students, faculty and staff to a variety of cultures from around the country and around the world. Students Randal Chandler of Bullock and Lynwood Roberts of Oxford served as emcees for the event.


Booths displayed artifacts, crafts, works of art, clothing, food and other items from various cultures. Visitors could sample the sights, smells and tastes of several European, Asian, Latin American and African nations. Students and instructors expressed their creativity with displays about various college clubs and academic programs such as Medical Assisting , Pharmacy Technology , Criminal Justice and Cosmetology . The college’s History Club offered a booth on Southern Culture, which was set up as an old-fashioned “front porch.” Visitors could answer trivia questions about the region for a chance to win Southern-themed prizes. Students from Granville Early College High School set up a display on Italy, complete with samples of Italian cuisine. The VGCC Literary Arts Club had two special guests at its booth, local authors Gertrude P. Marrow and Anita Ballard-Jones, both of Henderson. Marrow, a VGCC graduate and former member of the Literary Arts Club, was signing copies of her new book of short stories, “Great Day in the Mornin’“. She dedicated her book to two of her VGCC English instructors, Helen Holt and David Wyche. At another booth related to books, the VGCC Learning Resources Center highlighted library materials that allowed for more in-depth exploration of various cultures.


A quiz bowl, moderated by Theatre Arts/Speech instructor Betsy Henderson, tested VGCC students’ knowledge of culture, history and politics. Students competed in teams representing each of the college’s three curriculum divisions: Arts and Sciences , Health Sciences and Business and Applied Technologies . The Business and Applied Technologies team, consisting of Chasity Perkins, Greg Brame, David Holden and Tim Seitzer, came out on top in the competition.


As always, music and dance were important parts of the festivities. Children from the VGCC Day Care Center opened the event singing patriotic songs. Students in the English as a Second Language program demonstrated Latin American dances. Spanish Club students and Spanish instructor Margaret Chaves-Smith, many in authentic Spanish and Latin American attire, sang the Mexican classic “La Bamba,” accompanied by VGCC music instructor Michael Stephenson and students in his Music Ensemble class, including students from Vance County Early College High School and Granville Early College High School. Stephenson also brought forward the Vanguard Combo, which included the recipients of VGCC music performance scholarships — Joseph Colquitt of Creedmoor; Joseph Hedgepeth and Derek Jones, both of Henderson; and John Laible of Raleigh — and VCECHS student Eriekca Crosby on vocals.  


Above: On stage at the 2011 Cultural Fair, VGCC Spanish Club students and their advisor, instructor Margaret Chaves-Smith (second from right), sing “La Bamba” while a student music ensemble under the direction of instructor Michael Stephenson (right) plays behind the singers. (VGCC photo)