Home News Archives General VGCC Radiography Alumnus Speaks At Pinning Ceremony

VGCC Radiography Alumnus Speaks At Pinning Ceremony

It was just one year ago that Beverly Byrd graduated from Vance-Granville Community College with an associate degree in Radiography.

On May 8, she returned to VGCC to be the principal speaker for the pinning ceremony for the 28 graduates of the 2003 Radiography class. A large crowd of family, friends and school personnel crowded the Civic Center to hear Byrd’s remarks, to witness the presentation of awards and to see each graduate receive unique VGCC Radiography pins for completing the two-year program.

Members of this class, whose members received their Associate in Applied Science degree at spring graduation May 13, are: Krista Briggs, Amber Byers, Carrie Denton, Stacey Meza, Julie Norwood, Kari Ollila, Amanda Overcash, DeShaun Smith and Angela Watson, all of Henderson; Lynsay Allen, a native of Northern Ireland who lives in Franklinton; Tabitha Grace Ethridge and Terri Arthur Merritt, also of Franklinton; Sharon M. Harvey, Heather A. Kilby and Cameron Miller, all of Youngsville.

Also, Betty Barker and Jami R. Patterson of Creedmoor; Carla Noell and Carol E. Whitfield of Oxford; Adam D. Harris of Manson; Alma Holtzman and Laura Holtzmann of Norlina; Tammy S. Richardson of Macon; Cristal Tart, Lauren Vaughan and Janet G. White of Roxboro; Elisabeth Wessell of Mebane; and Elizabeth Diane Long of Durham.

VGCC President Robert A. Miller congratulated the graduates and welcomed guests and noted that the 28 members represented one of the largest graduating classes since the Radiography program began in 1981. He pointed out the diversity of the group, noting that one was born in Northern Ireland, and seven were born in other states.

The class members ranged in aged from 19 to 49, seven are married, and four others are engaged. The class boasts 20 children, Miller said. Twenty of the future radiographers worked at least part-time while completing the rigorous curriculum.

Byrd, the principal speaker, graduated in the VGCC Radiography class of 2002 and is already a team leader in the Radiology Department at Duke University Hospital. While at VGCC, Byrd was an honors student, an Ambassador, and the recipient of the Academic Excellence Award in 2001.

Byrd was also known for her sense of humor, and she demonstrated that throughout her remarks. She even worked it into her philosophy … “to live, love and laugh.”

“Live life to the fullest,” Byrd advised the graduates. “Enthusiasm is contagious. She said to love your profession. “If you’re not passionate about it, you will not be happy,” she said.

“It’s easy to laugh,” Byrd said. “Life is funny most of the time.” Humor is essential if one is going to be a success, she said. “You need a way to find peace while working under stress, and laughter does it for me.” She gave examples of using humor to improve difficult situations in her job at Duke.

Dr. Angela Ballentine, chairperson for Health Education at Vance-Granville, spoke briefly and told the graduates, “You have labored for knowledge, you have opened your minds, and now you are ready to enter the field as true professionals.”

She reminded the graduates they are aware of the shortages of radiographers and that this shortage provides them great opportunities. “You have much to look forward to,” she said. “Give more than is expected of you.”

Elisabeth Wessel of Mebane received the Academic Achievement Award for the class for achieving a perfect 4.0 grade-point-average. The Mallinckrodt Award for outstanding clinical performance by a student went to Adam Harris of Manson. The students voted Clinical Technologist of the Year Award to Angela Hughes, a clinical instructor at Maria Parham Hospital.

Members of the May 2003 Radiography class at Vance-Granville Community College gather for a group picture prior to pinning ceremonies May 8. Front row, from left, are: Cameron Miller, Adam Harris, Stacey Meza, Amanda Overcash, Carrie Denton, Krista Briggs and Jami Patterson. Second row, from left: Laura Holtzmann, Kari Ollila, Tammy Richardson, Carol Whitfield, Angela Watson, Terri Merritt and Alma Holtzman. Third row, from left: Betty Barker, Carla Noell, Lynsay Allen, Heather Kilby, Janet White, Tabitha Ethridge and DeShaun Smith. Fourth row, from left: Elisabeth Wessell, Julie Norwood, Elizabeth Long, Cristal Tart, Lauren Vaughan and Sharon Harvey.

In the second photo above, Dr. Lauren Noble, Radiography instructor, right, presents the Academic Achievement Award to Elisabeth Wessel, who maintained the highest grade, a perfect 4.0, during the Radiography curriculum.

In the last photo, Adam Harris accepts the Mallinckrodt Award for oustanding clinical performance by a student from Jennifer Johnson, a Radiography instructor.