Home News Archives General VGCC Graduates 235 In Summer Ceremonies; Community College Vice President Will Speak

VGCC Graduates 235 In Summer Ceremonies; Community College Vice President Will Speak

Dr. Delores A. Parker, vice president of the North Carolina Community College System, will be the principal speaker at Vance-Granville Community College’s summer graduation on Thursday, Aug. 7.

Approximately 235 are expected to graduate in ceremonies beginning at 6 p.m. in the Civic Center on VGCC’s main campus in Vance County. This will be the second graduation of the year at the college. Spring graduation on May 13 SAW 390 students complete their studies.

Among the summer graduates will be 140 receiving degrees, diplomas and certificates from curriculum programs and 95 who will get their adult high school diplomas or GEDs.

Dr. Parker has served as vice president for Academic & Student Services for the state system since November 1999. In addition, she serves as staff to the Program Committee of the State Board of Community Colleges and, when requested, reports to the North Carolina General Assembly and the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee.

Former positions Dr. Parker has held include adjunct graduate faculty, dean of Student Development, counselor, and director of Counseling Services. She has been vice president of Student Development and Institutional Support, vice president for Instruction and Student Development, and vice president for Student Development and Satellite Campuses. She has also been program director and associate director of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and president of Parker Consulting Group.

Dr. Parker holds degrees from Clark College, North Carolina A&T University and North Carolina State University.

She has held leadership positions in several organizations. Last year, she participated in Leadership North Carolina. Dr. Parker is an elder at Davie Street Presbyterian Church in Raleigh.

The invocation at graduation will be given by Board of Trustees Secretary Henrietta H. Clark. Vice Chairman John K. Nelms will welcome students and guests, and Chairman Donald C. Seifert Sr. will introduce the speaker.

VGCC President Robert A. Miller will make brief remarks and will award degrees and diplomas. Marsha Nelson, dean of curriculum, and Leo Kelly Jr., dean of continuing education, will assist President Miller.

Trustee John M. Foster will present bibles to the graduates, and Trustee J. David Brooks will offer the benediction.

Arletta Renee Scott and Donnie G. Reynolds of Henderson, Rosalind Randolph Speed of Oxford, Jamie Lynn Ross of Macon, Wanda L. Creekmore and Evangeline Darden Spruill of Louisburg, Donald A. Colbert of Youngsville, and Michael G. Graham of Wake Forest will be student marshals for the ceremonies.

A reception for graduates and guests will be held in the student lounge following graduation.



Donald A. Colbert

Wanda L. Creekmore

Michael G. Garner

Donnie G. Reynolds

Jamie Lynn Ross

Arletta R. Scott


Rosalind R. Speed

Evangeline D. Spruill