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VGCC Offers Mandatory Auto Licensing Course

All licensed independent automobile dealers must take a six-hour continuing education class before June 30 to renew their licenses, according to a law passed by the North Carolina General Assembly.

 Vance-Granville Community College is offering this Independent Auto Dealers class again for the convenience of area dealers. It will be held Saturday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Building 8 on VGCC’s main campus in Vance County.

“Many dealers may not realize it is mandatory that they take this class and that the deadline is rapidly approaching,” said Diane Finch, VGCC Small Business Center director. “They need to take this class or face the possibility of losing their licenses.”

Mary Sue Wilcox of Greensboro will instruct the class. She will cover laws pertinent to auto dealers, review Department of Motor Vehicles issues, such as titles, notary laws, paperwork and forms, and cover numerous other topics such as marketing, taxes and insurance.

Space in the class, which will cost $50 plus $20 for a book, is limited. To pre-register, call the VGCC Small Business Center at 252-492-2061, ext. 3239 or 3240.