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VGCC Day Care Graduates Have Interesting Life Goals

Eleven ‘graduates’ of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center were honored in ceremonies May 19 as they prepare to leave and enter kindergarten this fall.

This year’s class was composed of Jacob Wade Bliss, Matthew Scott Munn, Carson Fuller Neal, Connor Story Neal, Luke Anthony Overby and Megan Ann Stainback of Henderson, Hannah Paige Foster of Kittrell, Keith O’Neal Hart Jr., Nolan Lee Hughes and Taylor Suzanne Young of Oxford, and Justin Cheyenne Pendergrass of Warrenton.

Denise Gill, the Day Care director, said she always asks the graduates what they want to be when they grow up, and she shared their aspirations with the audience of parents, grandparents and friends.

There were the usual goals: policeman, fireman, nurse, teacher, mechanic and tow truck driver. One young lady wants to be a cheerleader for Carolina. One boy’s ambition is to be a “rollerbat man.” Perhaps the most unique answer came from Keith Hart Jr., who said he wants to be a “hospital man” and “help dead people come back to life!”

The youngsters recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang four songs, and recited a couple of poems. Gill and Deborah Harris, the lead teacher for the graduating class, presented diplomas to the graduates.

Austyn Marie Abbott of Kittrell, Margaret Grace Bobbitt of Henderson and Carson Elizabeth Mendenhall of Franklinton served as marshals for the graduation.


– The 2006 graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Day Care Center sit for a class picture. At the front, from left, are lead teacher Deborah Harris, marshals, Carson Mendenhall, Austyn Abbott and Margaret Bobbitt, and Center Director Denise Gill; second row, from left: Hannah Paige Foster, Connor Neal, Carson Neal, Keith Hart Jr., and Megan Stainback; back row, from left: Luke Overby, Nolan Hughes, Justin Pendergrass, Jacob Bliss, Taylor Young, Matthew Munn.

(VGCC Photo)