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VGCC Graduates 16 New Officers From Law Enforcement Training

Sixteen cadets graduated May 17 from the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) course at Vance-Granville Community College.

After passing the state certification exam, all 16 are authorized to work in any law enforcement department in North Carolina.

Graduates of BLET Class 81 at VGCC are Roy L. Burgess of Granville County, Scott A. Maple and Tracy Finnegan Neal of the Granville County Sheriff’s Department, Robert L. Martin II of the Oxford Police Department, Michael A. Stockwell of Oxford, Brandon S. Coker of the Warrenton Police Department, Donald G. Faulkner III and Ronald R. Roberson Jr. of the Vance County Sheriff’s Department, Michael L. Overton II of the Henderson Police Department, Jason Strickland II of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, Julius J. Jefferson of Louisburg, Adam E. Carver of the N.C. Parks & Recreation – Falls Lake, Christopher M. Dickerson of Roxboro, Charles C. Wheeler of the Person County Sheriff’s Department, Jeremy S. Pearce of Wake Forest, and Aaron E. Woodlief of N.C. Alcohol Law Enforcement.

Melvin G. Smith, retired Henderson police chief and currently a BLET and detention officer instructor, was the speaker for the graduation. He began his remarks by asking the graduates to think about time.

“You are given 86,400 seconds each day,” Smith said. “Every second you don’t use is written off. You must use them today. You must invest each second to get the most out of the day.”

Smith also gave the graduating cadets eight suggestions for using their time to be successful. Smith said: “Be willing to pay the price by practicing your skills, set goals for yourself and plan to accomplish them, be open to constructive criticism, take risks – don’t be afraid to fail, be ethical and don’t compromise what you know is right, stay informed, be self-disciplined and avoid temptations, and have fun and enjoy life – separate your job from your home life.”

Tony Pendergrass, coordinator of Law Enforcement Training at VGCC, praised the class for completing 624 hours of grueling training over 16 weeks. “The demands on this class have been tough, and they’re going to get even harder in the future,” Pendergrass said.

Pendergrass handed out awards to the top students in the class in three categories. Donald Roberson won the Academic Achievement Award for having the top grade average in the 36 tests each cadet must take and pass. Robert Martin won the Top Gun Award for having the highest score in weapons firing, and Michael Stockwell took the Physical Fitness Award for scoring highest in the various fitness tests the cadets undergo.


— Graduates of Vance-Granville Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training Class 82 are, front, from left: Tracy Finnegan Neal, Jeremy S. Pearce, Donald R. Roberson Jr., Roy L. Burgess, Scott A. Maple; second row, from left: Charles C. Wheeler, Jackson Strickland III, Aaron E. Woodlief, Michael S. Stockwell, Brandon S. Coker, Robert L. Martin III; back row, from left: Tony Pendergrass, VGCC Law Enforcement Training coordinator, and graduates Julius J. Jefferson, Christopher M. Dickerson, Adam E. Carver, Michael L. Overton II, Donald G. Faulkner III. (VGCC Photo)