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General Assembly Raises Tuition At State’s Community Colleges

Registration for Fall Semester begins July 24 at Vance-Granville Community College, and students will find the cost of attending just went up a bit.

The state budget for 2003-04 passed by the North Carolina General Assembly includes increases in tuition for both in-state and non-resident students at the state’s 59 community colleges.

Tuition increased July 1 by 3.2 percent, from $34.25 per credit hour to $35.50 for in-state resident students. This means that a full-time student taking 12 credit hours will see tuition increase from $411 to $426 this fall.

The maximum increase is $20 per in-state student. Therefore, a student carrying 16 or more credit hours will experience an increase from $548 to $568 this fall.

Tuition for out-of-state students has been increased from $190.75 to $197 per credit hour. Therefore, a non-resident taking 16 or more hours will pay $3,152 in tuition this fall, compared to $3,052 last semester.

Vance-Granville Community College will not increase its student fees. They remain at $14 for those taking up to 11 credit hours and $19 for 12 hours or more.

VGCC President Robert A. Miller said: “We really hate to raise tuition, but we have no choice; the General Assembly mandates it. Even with the increase, however, the state’s community colleges offer excellent instruction in marketable skills at a most affordable price.”

Registration for Fall Semester curriculum classes at Vance-Granville Community College will be held for new students Thursday, July 24-Wednesday, July 30 and Monday, Aug. 11-Thursday, Aug. 14. Hours of registration will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Fridays.

Complete registration procedures and class schedules are available in the fall edition of Arches, which was mailed to every household in Vance, Granville, Franklin, and Warren counties on July 9. Copies are also available at all four Vance-Granville Community College campuses. Registration information is also available on the college website at vgcc.springerstudios.net .