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Ambassador Spotlight: Meet Tammy Gallagher

Meet Tammy Gallagher, this month’s Ambassador Spotlight.

Tammy is an Associate Degree Nursing major from Norlina who enjoys swimming, reading, boating, camping, and spending time with her husband Allen Gallagher, and their 2-year old daughter, Alayna.

She decided to attend Vance-Granville Community College because she wanted to pursue a degree that would allow her to have a career in which she would be helping others.

Her favorite classes have included Anatomy and Physiology. “I have learned so much about the human body and its functions, “ Tammy said. She praises instructor Phyllis “Button” Brady for taking an interest in the students, incorporating fun and humor into the classroom, and creating a positive learning experience.

Tammy credits her husband Allen as playing an important role in her success at VGCC. “His loving support and encouragement have been essential to keep me going. My success has truly been a ‘team effort’.”

She is a work-study student for the science department and a secretary for the second-level nursing class.

Upon graduation, Tammy plans to work for Maria Parham Hospital and continue her education in specialty nursing.