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VGCC Trio Program Considered Priceless

February was National TRIO Month, and Student Support Services observed the occasion with several activities. Student Support Services is one of the programs in TRIO, and since it began at VGCC in 1978, its tutoring and counseling services have been strong factors in the educational success of many students with barriers that frequently hinder academic success.

A TRIO Treat, a continental breakfast for students in the program, kicked off observances on Feb. 6. A week later, a financial consultant from Raleigh gave an information session on things everyone should know, such as establishing and maintaining good credit, developing a good work history, applying for a loan, and buying a home. Students attended a TRIO Job Fair on Feb. 27 in Raleigh.

Probably the highlight of the month’s activities was the TRIO Day Program on Feb. 21 at Student Support Services. The Achiever of the Year was recognized and spoke, several students shared testimonials, and the tutors and counselors were recognized.

Robert Hargrove, who earned his associate’s degree in Business Administration from VGCC in 1999, was the Achiever of the Year. He is owner and operator of Hargrove’s Home Service and American Real Estate, both in Henderson. He is also one semester away from earning a bachelor’s degree from Campbell University.

Hargrove addressed the TRIO Day gathering and said, “If it were not for Vance-Granville Community College and Student Support Services here, I wouldn’t be where I am today. When I first came to Student Support Services, I was completely lost.  They saw me through, and they became my bridge over troubled waters.”

Hargrove also praised the counselors of the program. “They give you their undivided attention and help with many things unrelated to school work. In addition to being great counselors, they are friends,” he said.

Hargrove’s bottom line: “The services of Student Support Services are absolutely priceless.”

Robert Hargrove’s wife, Mattie, is a graduate of VGCC’s Office Systems Technology program and is currently enrolled in Business Operations Management. She, too, used the services of Student Support Services and said, “I love VGCC, and I appreciate Student Support Services.”

The Hargroves’ three children participated in another TRIO program for high school students — Upward Bound — and they are honor students.

Louvenia Taylor, a Business Management student, was living in Northern Virginia and stopped her schooling to raise a family. When she moved to Vance County, she entered VGCC and found the classes hard for someone who had been away from school many years. “I found tutoring help at Student Support Services, and I’ve been able to make good grades.”

Taylor also praised the counselors who helped her with personal problems and with financial aid. “They have warm smiles and hearts, and they are here to help,” she said.

Derrick Horton, a college transfer student who has received assistance from Student Support Services, was master of ceremonies for the program. He thanked Student Support Services Coordinator Helen Lindsey, Counselor Yvonne Alston, Tutor Supervisor Scott O’Neal and tutors Edith Coleman, Yamika Dawes and Rose Marie Shuster, and introduced student tutors Blakely Corpening, David Cheek and Connie Morse.