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Twin Sisters study and represent VGCC together

Vance-Granville Community College students Helen Samuel and Milen Samuel, both of Oxford, recently finished serving as student ambassadors for the 2009-2010 year. Ambassadors represent the college at special campus and community functions, among other duties. But the Samuels’ experiences are quite different from those of their fellow ambassadors, because they are also twin sisters.

Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, the twins were at first separated by education, when Helen (pictured above, left) went off to study medicine in Russia while Milen (pictured above, right) studied business in India. Then, their mother, a nurse, was offered a job in Granville County, and they moved with her to America. Their mother wanted the young women to continue their education, and they decided that the nearby community college would offer a better climate in which to adjust to the United States than would a four-year university. Helen was the first to enroll in VGCC’s Pharmacy Technology program, with Milen following later. They came into the Pharmacy program with different goals. Helen wanted to remain in the health-care field and had found a job working at a local drug store. Her VGCC training has helped her interact more knowledgably with pharmacy customers, and serves as her first step toward becoming a nurse and, eventually perhaps a doctor. Milen, who worked at Granville Medical Center soon after moving to the area, wanted to add a medical profession to her business background, and set a goal of becoming a pharmacist. She would one day like to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree and a master’s in business administration. The twins are not identical, but they say they have often been confused for one another. The two are quite different, with Helen more reserved and Milen more outgoing. Nevertheless, as ambassadors, both have enjoyed helping fellow students and talking about the college to citizens and community leaders. Helen has also tutored many students in math and science through the college’s Academic Skills Center.

In August, Helen completes the requirements of her Pharmacy Technology diploma but will continue at VGCC in the Nursing program. “It’s been a wonderful experience, and it’s a privilege to know a diverse group of people here,” said Helen. “In America, many cultures come together, and we have learned that there are many values that we all have in common.” Milen added that “VGCC gave us an opportunity to start off, learn the language better, and pick up a good foundation before we move on to larger universities far from home. It’s a very friendly place, and it seems that everyone knows each other. The teachers have been so helpful, and I feel like the college has strengthened us for all the challenges of the future.”