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VGCC Franklin Campus Day Care salutes 11 graduates

Eleven graduates of the Child Care Center on Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus were honored in ceremonies on June 30 as they prepare to leave and enter kindergarten this fall.

The class of 2010 included Caleigh Murphy and Jacob Sala, both of Castalia; Ward Brogden of Franklinton; Reese Anderson, Cameron Davis, Lynley Elliott, Jocelyn Evans, Krissi Troutner and Skylar Watkins, all of Louisburg; Mikel Alston and Jasmine Turner, both of Wake Forest.

Bobbie Jo May, the Dean of Franklin Campus , welcomed family members to the child day care center’s twelfth annual graduation ceremony. “I have enjoyed seeing their smiling faces and their excitement when they come to school each day,” May said of the young students. “I feel we have provided a good foundation for all their future learning opportunities.” She also thanked the center’s staff — Latoya Mayo, Shelia Davis, Teresa Gallatin, Lawanda Wilkerson and manager Michelle Patterson — for their outstanding work, which recently garnered the center another five-star rating from the state of North Carolina. May said that the center is “a warm, inviting place where your children are nurtured, loved, respected, and encouraged to learn and grow.”

After an invocation by Franklin Campus director Anthony Pope, Gallatin and Patterson presented the children with diplomas. Patterson also handed out unique “personality certificates” to the students. Ward Brogden was recognized as a “Super Sleuth” and a “Bookworm.” Reese Anderson received awards for “Great Artwork” and Creativity. Caleigh Murphy received the “Spunky” and “Neat Perfection in Handwriting” awards. Jacob Sala received the “Friendly Frog” award and the special Science award. Jasmine Turner received the “I Can Make my Pencil Cut a Neat Figure” (outstanding improvement in handwriting) and “Neat Dress” certificates. Jocelyn Evans was honored as the “Social Butterfly” and for her persistence. Skylar Watkins was recognized as a “Happy Little Helper” and a “Super Citizen.” Mikel Alston and Cameron Davis both received the “Best Dressed Boy” awards and certificates for being “active athletes.” Lynley Elliott received certificates for her persistence and curiosity. Krissi Troutner was awarded the “Quiet as a Mouse” and “Friendly Frog” certificates.

Student Casson Raynor served as marshal for the graduation, carrying the American flag as the students processed and recessed.

With the departure of the graduates, spaces for several children are currently available for the fall semester. For more information or to enroll children at the center, call Michelle Patterson at (919) 496-1567.

Above: The 2010 graduates of the Vance-Granville Community College Franklin Campus Child Care Center included, in front, from left: Mikel Alston, Jocelyn Evans, Reese Anderson and Skylar Watkins; in back, from left: Lynley Elliott, Caleigh Murphy, Jacob Sala, Jasmine Turner and Ward Brogden; not pictured: Krissi Troutner and Cameron Davis. (VGCC photo)