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Walkers at VGCC raise Money for Haiti

Vance-Granville Community College faculty, staff and students held a “Walk-a-thon” fundraiser on April 22 to provide aid to victims of the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January. With approximately 50 walkers participating, the event raised $1,206.

All proceeds will be donated to the World Food Programme to support the organization’s relief efforts in Haiti.

“The purpose of the Walk-a-thon was not only to help the people of Haiti but also to encourage the Vance-Granville community to be actively engaged in the global community that surrounds us. We were thrilled to see that we met our goal of raising at least $1,000,” said VGCC mathematics instructor Rudy Turner, who chairs the Professional Advisory Committee, the panel of faculty and staff members that organized and sponsored the walk-a-thon. “The Professional Advisory Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in this event.” Turner also thanked Assistant Director of Financial Aid Brian Clemmons, Director of Student Activities and Athletics Jasmine Hightower and Melissa Ayscue, executive assistant for Institutional Advancement and Information Technology, for helping to lead the Walk-a-Thon project.

Above: Approximately 50 Vance-Granville Community College faculty, staff and students walked in front of the Civic Center on the college’s main campus to raise $1,206 to help victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. (VGCC photo)