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EXPO 2009 Seeks Early Birds to Exhibit at Annual Trade Show

Organizers of EXPO 2009 are offering a good deal to businesses and agencies who sign up early to exhibit their products and services at the annual trade show, which will be held in Vance-Granville Community College’s Civic Center on Tuesday, Oct. 13. An “Early Bird” discount is being offered to those who register for EXPO by July 24. Members of the chambers of commerce of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties will get spots in the Civic Center for $200, $25 less than the cost of registration after that date. At either cost, area organizations have decided that participating in EXPO is a worthwhile investment.

Lilipiana Darensburg, vice president of WARR 1520 AM in Warrenton, will be representing the station at EXPO in October. “We had a great time last year,” Darensburg said. “EXPO was really a meeting of the minds, because many of the businesses there didn’t know about us and we didn’t know them. It gave our radio station new opportunities to support local businesses.” WARR is one of several media sponsors for EXPO 2009.

John Barnes of Embarq’s headquarters in Wake Forest also is looking forward to EXPO. The company has participated in the event for many years and is a silver sponsor in 2009. “We have found EXPO to be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our products and services, and a chance to meet our customers face-to-face,” Barnes said. This year, Barnes will also be informing area residents and businesses that the company’s name is changing to CenturyLink, as the result of a recent merger.

The VGCC Small Business Center, Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, Granville County Chamber of Commerce, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of Warren County are the organizers of the 19th annual event. Each year, EXPO provides an opportunity for organizations that do business in the four-county area to set up exhibits and show off their products and services to the public and to other businesses. About 1,000 area residents are expected to visit the five-hour-long event.

Members of area chambers of commerce should have recently received registration brochures for EXPO 2009. Organizers urge recipients to participate and to send in registration forms early. Businesses do not have to be chamber members, however, to exhibit at EXPO. Forms and information are available from the chambers of commerce and from the VGCC Small Business Center at (252) 738-3240 or (252) 738-3275.