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VGCC Students Enjoy Academic Success after Transferring, report says

Vance-Granville Community College officials recently received good news in the form of a report from the North Carolina Community College System office.

The report showed that 100 percent of students who earned an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science at VGCC in 2006-2007 and then transferred to a four-year public university had a grade point average over 2.0 after two semesters at the university. Statewide, 91 percent of College Transfer students had achieved that mark. An additional report that included 2006-2007 College Transfer students who completed at least 24 hours at VGCC (but may not have completed the associate degree) showed that 86 percent had a GPA over 2.0.

A 2008 statewide report showed that College Transfer students transferring to a four-year state university from Vance-Granville out-perform students who started at the public universities as freshmen.

VGCC Dean of Arts and Sciences Dr. Michael Ellis also reported that over the past five years, College Transfer students move on to an average of 11 different public universities each year. The most popular destination for those students was East Carolina University, followed by North Carolina State University and North Carolina Central University.

The VGCC College Transfer Program provides students with the first two years of a B.A. or B.S. degree program, including over 80 transferable freshmen and sophomore level courses. Transfer courses are available on all four VGCC campuses and online.