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Legislator Addresses VGCC’s 40th Graduating Class

N.C. Representative Michael H. Wray offered congratulations and encouragement to graduates at Vance-Granville Community College’s 40th commencement exercises on May 15. Over 400 graduates received diplomas and degrees at the ceremony, which took place in front of the gazebo by the lake on the college’s main campus.

Wray said that getting a job was surely a top priority for graduating students, and he acknowledged the tight job market. “I truly believe that North Carolina’s economy will recover thanks to the resilience of hard working North Carolinians just like you,” he said. Wray, a businessman who has represented all of Northampton and Warren counties, and part of Vance County, in the General Assembly since 2005, also asked graduates to include public service as part of their lives. “There is nothing ordinary about this graduating class,” he concluded. “You have been extraordinary during your time at this college and we all expect you will continue in this way. Instead of quitting when it is difficult, excellence means continuing to move forward. You are doing exactly that today – moving forward.”

Michael L. Webb of Hillsborough, president of the VGCC chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, was the student speaker. Webb, who was graduating with an Associate in Arts and plans to transfer to North Carolina Central University, thanked the college’s faculty and staff on behalf of his fellow students. “We each have our own stories and our own journeys,” Webb said. His began when he enrolled in his first course, Psychology 150 with Gloria Freeman. He took the course online while serving in the United States Navy, as his ship was conducting counter-intelligence operations off the coast of China.

In his remarks, VGCC President Randy Parker officially kicked off the celebration of the college’s 40th anniversary. He recognized a special guest in the audience, Elsie Gray Pernell, who was the first faculty member hired in 1969 at Vance County Technical Institute, which later became VGCC. Pernell started as the coordinator of the learning laboratory and retired in 1987 as the director of VGCC’s Learning Resources Center . Also as part of the anniversary commemoration, alumni who were on hand to see family members join them as VGCC graduates wore green and gold name tags.

After Vice President of Instruction Dr. Angela Ballentine presented candidates for graduation, VGCC Board of Trustees chairman Donald C. Seifert, Sr. assisted President Parker in presenting 426 degrees and diplomas. Students, including those predicted to graduate in August, were awarded 268 Associate in Applied Science degrees, 31 Associate in Arts degrees, nine Associate in Science degrees and 118 technical and vocational diplomas. Webb then led the new graduates in ceremonially turning their tassels. For the first time, music for the ceremony was provided by the Vance-Granville Community Band.

Above: Commencement speaker N.C. Representative Michael Wray (standing at podium) speaks at VGCC’s 40th graduation exercises on May 15 as, seated from left, VGCC student speaker Michael Webb and President Randy Parker listen.(VGCC Photo)