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VGCC Celebrates Women’s History Month

Vance-Granville Community College organized several activities to celebrate Women’s History Month during March.

On March 10, the student lounge on VGCC’s Main Campus was the site of an informative program on women’s health issues. Joan Reid, a North Carolina Cooperative Extension agent for Granville County, discussed heart disease, the leading cause of illness and death in North American women. To combat heart disease and other ailments, she encouraged attendees to make healthy lifestyle choices, including proper nutrition and exercise. Following Reid, health educator Rob Jiggetts of Maria Parham Medical Center discussed HIV/AIDS. The event coincided with National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

A second program on March 18 offered women information on local economic resources and on domestic violence issues. VGCC counselor Veta Pierce-Cappetta, who helped organize the event, said that economic hard times can sometimes be a catalyst for domestic violence. Jennifer Gregory and Mattie Henderson of Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunity highlighted the Women’s Economic Equity Project, which provides assistance to women pursuing careers in health care and technology. Abagayle Allegretto, the owner and operator of Abagayle’s Books in downtown Henderson, also spoke.

In addition, two theatrical productions brought true stories of women to life. Both were presented free of charge in the VGCC Civic Center by the Touring Theatre of North Carolina. On March 9, “ Star Spangled Girls ” dramatically told stories drawn from the memoirs and letters of 37 female military veterans. That was followed on March 23 by “ The Life and Times of Fannie Lou Hamer ,” a vivid account of the daughter of a Mississippi sharecropper who became an exceedingly effective civil rights organizer.

Above: North Carolina Cooperative Extension agent Joan Reid of Granville County (left) talks about food and nutrition issues with VGCC Student Activities director Jasmine Hightower before Reid’s informative program in the VGCC student lounge. (VGCC photo)